Same-Day Appointments
(818) 222-7387

Same-Day Appointments at Woodland Hills Pet Clinic
We know that unexpected health concerns can arise, and when your pet isn’t feeling their best, getting them seen quickly is a priority. That’s why we’re happy to offer same-day and next-day appointments whenever possible to address your pet’s needs.
If your pet is experiencing an urgent health concern, we encourage you to call us right away. Our team will do our best to get your pet seen promptly and provide the care they need.
While we can accommodate a wide range of medical concerns, there may be situations where pets require overnight care or extended monitoring, in which case we may recommend referral to a specialty or emergency facility.
Common Concerns We Can Address
Our team is equipped to care for many same-day needs, including:
- Fever
- Dehydration
- Loss of appetite or not drinking
- Wounds or lacerations
- Limping or lameness
- Coughing or sneezing
- Vomiting or diarrhea
- Eye discharge or squinting
- Upper respiratory infections
- Abscesses
- Ear infections
- Skin allergies
- Anal gland problems
- Urinary tract issues
If your pet requires immediate emergency attention or care outside our regular hours, please contact:
Referral hospital is also True Care For Pets
11730 Ventura Blvd, Studio City, CA 91604
Hours: Open 24 hours
Phone: (818) 760-3882
Access Speciality
20051 Ventura Blvd, Woodland Hills, California 91364
(818) 698-2799